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Refresh. Recharge. Reignite.
Saturday, September 21
Eight separate programs beginning at 9 AM


This day with purpose is designed specifically for you and your spouse to join us and share time together watching International experts speak on intimacy, playfulness, faith, family and forgiveness. Our hopes are that the two of you will recharge, reignite, and refresh your relationship by surrounding yourselves with friends that are fans and supporters of your marriage! Please check out this 1-minute video from our YouTube channel to learn a little more: REFRESH 

There is a lot going on during the day - feel free to come and sit all day or come in and out to take advantage of just the seminars you are interested in. The day will end with a lovely  community dinner. Please RSVP if you are planning to be there.  

9:00 AM      Welcome from International Coordinating Couple John & Donna Bigler 

9:15 AM Diocese of Enid OK Musical Prayer Litany w Father Mark Mason 

9:45  Insights from Archbishop Richard W Smith 

9:50 AM - 10:50 AM The State of Retrouvaille: John & Donna Bigler

​10 minute break

11:00 AM How to Solve Your Biggest Problems (Steve & Leigh Baumann) This workshop addresses why couples might avoid addressing their biggest marital conflicts and introduces key techniques to improve conflict management skills.

NOON The warm hug: FNC Journey from info request to Friday night check in - Frank and Marci VanPelt.  First impressions are everything.  Your couples look to you for a steady hand, a warm voice and a need to see you as a trusted friend on their journey.  Frank and Marci will walk you through crucial conversation best practices, techniques and tips detailing guidelines, call donation expectations, regular touch bases, databases and SMS.

1 PM  HOW TO WIN AT FAMILY (DON AND SUZANNE MANNING) Founders of Crazy Cool Family, are excited to share with you how to win at family.  They have raised seven kids of their own, authored seven parenting books and have taught thousands of parents how to build their best family, a family that follows the Lord and loves each other deeply.

2 PM LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE OUTSIDE OF HEAVEN (Bonnie Langmeyer) Bonnie, widow of Scott Langemeyer who passed away in 2022 reflects on the 40 years they were together.  For many years it was a struggle and then for 20 beautiful years they were involved in Retrouvaille.  God put it in her heart to share just what those 20 years looked like and why everyone in Retrouvaille needs to SAY YES TO THIS MINISTRY.  She and Scott lived their best life, this side of heaven.  Tomorrow is not promised - but we can live our best life with our spouse today.

3 PM FORGIVING EACH OTHER (DR. ROBERT ENRIGHT, PHD) Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Wisconsin- Madison and the founding board member of the International Forgiveness Institute has been scientifically studying forgiveness for almost 40 years.  He will address: What does forgiveness mean, Scientific evidence for the efficacy of forgiving, How do you forgive those who act unjustly, and Specific approaches to one another within marriage. 

4 PM YOUR COMMUNITY MARKETING ARSENAL - WHERE ITS AT AND HOW TO IMPLEMENT IT. (Ted and Allison Beauparlant)  These are the tools to build awareness of your upcoming weekend, where to find them and how to use them. 





5 PM KEYNOTE SPEAKER - GOING FROM ROOMMATES TO PLAYMATES WITHOUT JUST TALKING - Amy Color.  Acclaimed as the "best intimacy Coach 2023," revolutionizes the approach to overcoming intimacy challenges, offering real solutions that extend beyond traditional talk therapy.  Her impactful TED talk and widely read book have touched millions, sharing her unique insights and methods. Driven by her personal quest to find solutions to her husband's fear of intimacy and performance anxiety, she has studied and trained in multiple modalities.  Her significant breakthroughs come from her extensive experience coaching men.  She empowered them to find security and confidence in their intimate lives. 


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